Archive for November, 2020

Steps For The Best Oil Change In Elk Grove Village

Vehicle maintenance is a broad topic, and one of its most crucial parts is an oil change. It is advisable to seek a service after every 3,000 miles, lest you risk damaging your engine. We offer the best oil change in ELK Grove village, and here are the steps we take to ensure you get excellent value for your money.

Two key signs would indicate the need to schedule a service. If your car is a newer model, check the dashboard lights for a signal that specifies the oil is thick or old. You also have reason to drive in for a quick check if you notice that your older car is emitting thick exhaust.

The first step of a project is to check the condition and level of oil. This will also give us a hint about the general condition of your vehicle and whether you require other crucial auto services. After this, we drain old oils before replacing the filters. Bear in mind that old and clogged filters are just as damaging as using old engine oil. This is because they can no longer play their function of removing impurities.

At this point, the project is almost half-way done. We simply need to confirm the right oil for your car and give your engine a refill. Before replacing the fill cap and starting your engine, our technicians make a point of checking for leaks and confirming that the level of engine oil is perfect.

Another service that we are likely to offer before you can leave is a windshield fluid refill. Additionally, our technician will check the state of your wipers and inform you whether a replacement is necessary. As a leading auto repair and maintenance shop, we have all the needed auto parts and accessories under one roof. This allows us to complete a project quickly and efficiently.

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